VSK Stjerneholdet
Basic info
Covers all activities where you are a member and part of a community in your free time.
Recreational activity
Shows how physically difficult the sport is:
1 dot Available to all
2 dots Easily accessible
3 dots Easily demanding
4 dots Technically difficult
5 dots Very challenging
Level of difficulty
Easily accessible
Age is often not so important, but should be taken as a guide:
-Kindergarten -Child -Young -Adult
Shows the days when the sport takes place in the club. If more than one day is shown, it usually indicates the training days (days of activity) of the different teams.
Special teams or non-special teams? In special needs classes, all participants have special needs. In single inclusion, the team is a mainstream team, with the possibility of some extra support.
Inclusion form
Indicates how the participants are organized in the team. Are all participants welcome regardless of the special needs of the individual (All) or does the team have a defined target group for only some types of special needs (Same)?
Type special team
Indicates the total number of participants in the team (in the activity).
Contact information
VSK Aarhus
Vejlby Centervej 49, 8240 Risskov, Denmark
+45 26 39 26 09
Requirements for participation
What are the motor skills requirements for this activity?
1. No requirements
2. Walking
3. Some running
4. Running and throwing and grabbing
5. Good balance and strength
Motoric level
How high a sensory impression in relation to sound and body contact is there in the team (in the activity)?
Low: There is usually a calm atmosphere.
Medium: Probably little sound and/or little body contact.
High: The activity involves loud sounds and/or a lot of body contact.
Sensory impressions
Practical info
Indicates whether there is physical access to the team in a wheelchair and whether it is possible to participate in the activity as a wheelchair user.
Accessible for wheelchair users
How far is the location and activity from public transport?
Distance to public transport
The price is an approximation for one year of training. Typically smaller amounts are paid over the year – amounts will change over time. Remember that Specialsport.dk also advises on your options for financial help.
Price per year.
Type of sport
Special needs
If the activity is only for certain types of special needs, it will be shown here. If everyone, regardless of type of need is welcome, it will appear as ‘ALL’.
Type of disability
Can you see yourself in the description(s)? If so, then the team is for you. And those you meet on the team will have the same support needs as described here.
Participant profiles
Here you can see if the association offers training in small groups or one-to-one training.
Training options